firstly. ini grammar saya . ini blog saya. ini tulisan saya. ini postingan saya. kenapa kalian yang sibuk bilang ini salah itu salah. gramar itu gapenting. selama native speaker ngerti apayang kita bilang. and as far as i concerned. every native speaker who talked to me. mereka ga pernah bingung sama apa yang gue bilang..
secondly. just like i say before. dont mind lah kalo aku kadang pakai kata-kata 'saya' terus 'gue' terus 'I' terus 'aku' .sekali lagi. ini kan blog saya. ini juga postingan saya.
thirdly, it's not like i mad or something. aku hanya menirukan apa aktifitas mamatut belakangan ini. maybe it just me or what. mamatuters sekarang easily get mad. dikit dikit marah. dikit dikit rage. dikit dikit mad *sama aja sih sebenarnya* :)) my journal said before *on heyderisbook* some of them marah bukan karena 'angek' but they just got a lot of fun after annoying someone with their 'mad' .BUT ! i seriously said that . annoying mereka udah melebihi batas pantas ! they speak loudly that everyone in that room could hear what they said. malah kadang mereka ribut buat hal yang ga penting. ...
i know it kind of fun to make someone get shocked and felt like they got a lot of sins. but dont you guys ever felt if you in their position what did you do. mungkin kalian cuma NGAMBEK terus NANGIS.. seriously, do u dare to annoying someone if ur beloved SOULMATE not in ur side? BIG NA'AH for you.. kalian cuma bisa stay normal and pretending that you guys are a nice people..
big sorries if u guys get mad after read this post. i kind of annoyed see someone get annoyed with u. but i could not do anything but laugh.
uhm, dont you guys feel mamatut is your bestfriend ? why u annoying ur bestfriend just like ur enemy? be good to your bestfriend .dont you remember they help you a lot ? they solve your problem ? They hear your sad story?
sorry for this stink stuff. i just rage because our mamatut is not like before D:
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